Early and accurate diagnosis of heart diseases

Heart diseases, despite all the developments, unfortunately still remain the number one cause of death in the world. Most of them suddenly emerge without any serious symptoms before. As the result, significant amount of sudden deaths occur. Turgut Özal, Barış Manço, Kemal Sunal and Cenk Koray's sudden deaths are the best examples we have seen in this issue. It must be known that the early and accurate diagnosis of heart diseases and the detection of existing congenital heart diseases are only possible with high technology devices.

The Nisa Hospital Cardiology Unit serves the diagnosis and treatment of congenital, rheumatic, hypertension and coronary insufficiency heart diseases with the latest products of technology under the guidance of specialist cardiologists. In the unit, all cardiological tests can be performed with ECG, holter, effort test, color doppler echocardiography, and emergency cardiological interventions (pacemaker) can be performed. It can also be applied to anyone who needs cardiology check-up which allows timely diagnosis and treatment of heart diseases.

The early and accurate diagnosis of heart diseases and the detection of existing congenital heart diseases are only possible with high technology devices. We say that you should know your heart better and we briefly describe the functions of the technological devices in our unit.

It is a device that shows the inside of the heart. It gives information about the structure and functions of the heart. This examination, which is made without any harm and pain in 15 minutes, can be used to obtain information about almost all heart diseases and make a definite diagnosis in the great majority (heart rheumatism, valve diseases, heart failure, congenital heart diseases etc) without any further examination.
Patient walks on a treadmill and increases heart rate. At this time, the electrodes taken from the patient are analyzed on the computer. Disorders not seen in normal ECG are revealed by this test. It is an important diagnostic tool in the evaluation of chest pain. It determines whether the chest pain is caused by the heart. Especially for those who have no complaints over the age of 40, it may be useful for the diagnosis of occult heart disease.
It is a device that is connected to a belt, such as a mobile phone, and the patient records the heart's electricity for 24 hours while maintaining normal daily life. Thanks to this device, all the rhythm disorders that are not seen during the examination but are caused by the heart, short palpitations, and shortness of breath during the day, chest pain, feeling of faintness can be detected.
Patients with insufficient or completely stopped heart pulses may regain their health with temporary pacemaker.


  • Cardiologist
  • Color Doppler Echocardiography
  • Effort Test
  • Blood sugar
  • Urea
  • Lipit Profile
  • Triglyceride
  • Total Cholesterol
  • HDL
  • LDL
  • VLDL

Early diagnosis is crucial so that heart diseases can be diagnosed and treated in a timely manner. This requires the arrangement of a specially programmed cardiological check-up. With a normal check-up program it is not possible to reveal occult heart disease.

Heart check-up is the assessment of a number of signs and symptoms that may be suspected of belonging to a person or a person with no complaints. These are the controls that patients with cardiac arrhythmias should have at regular intervals.
People with or without complaints who are at high risk for the heart and people with heart disease or other conditions that can result in heart disease can be recommended.
Coronary vascular disease, which may be synonymous with cardiac malnutrition, can be observed frequently together with a number of risk factors. People with a family history of heart attack or coronary vascular disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, smokers, high blood cholesterol levels, obesity, and sedentary life are at risk. It is more common among men and elderly people compared to women and youngsters.
Individuals over a certain age (after 35 years of age) who have no complaints should be checked at least every 5 years. People with complaints such as palpitations, shortness of breath, chest pain should definitely go through cardiological evaluation if there are risk factors that we just mentioned. Because shortness of breath may be a sign of heart failure, palpitations of heart rhythm disturbances, and chest pain may be a sign of coronary artery narrowness.

Heart electro (ECG), lung x-ray, blood sugar, blood fats (cholesterol sub-groups, triglyceride), alias lipit profile, heart electro with effort and heart echocardiography (ECHO) if need be and if further examination is needed scintigraphy and heart angiography may be performed.

Risk factors can be identified in the methods to be applied. For example (examination can detect high blood pressure), with blood tests and diabetes and high cholesterol levels can be detected. Effort heart electroscopy can be used to demonstrate the effort capacity of the person, as well as the absence of complaints from the occult cardiovascular disease or chest pain cardiac involvement can be predicted up to 85 percent. With echo it is possible to demonstrate cardiac valve disease, heart failure, malfunction of the heart, hypertension, cardiac effect, heart muscle opening.

Your heart is not to be neglected

Our coronary intensive care unit, which includes technology that can return to normal activity in heart and respiration, myocardial infarction, severe heart and respiratory system diseases, serves with the expert physician and educated nurse staff 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Sudden blockage of one of the heart-feeding vessels by a blood clot results in a heart attack. The risk of death is very high in the first days, especially during the first hours of the patient who had a heart attack. For this reason, such patients should be followed and treated in coronary intensive care units. Thanks to our treatment and intervention in our Coronary Intensive Care unit, the occluded cardiac vessel can be opened with thrombolytic therapy (clot dissolving therapy) to stop the heart attack. Rhythm disorders that cause the death of the patient can be corrected with a defibrillator (shock) device.